Tacotron2-FR: Tacotron2-based model with free running (FR) mode
Tacotron2-SS: Tacotron2-based model with scheduled sampling (SS) mode
Tacotron2-KD: Tacotron2-based model with proposed teacher-student training method by using knowledge distillation (KD)

-----------------------> Mandarin Speech Samples <-----------------------

1 - Naturalness Evaluation

Tacotron2-FR Tacotron2-SS Tacotron2-KD

2 - Robustness Evaluation

Tacotron2-SS Tacotron2-KD

3 - Prosody Evaluation

Tacotron2-SS Tacotron2-KD
"1989年| 受英国国家科学与工程研究委员会|访问研究基金资助 | 到英国剑桥大学 | 微电子研究中心 ||博士后研究"

------------------------> English Speech Samples <------------------------

1 - Naturalness Evaluation

Tacotron2-FR Tacotron2-SS Tacotron2-KD
"all or nothing, now or never."
"The island has since changed hands and has its own farm."

2 - Robustness Evaluation

Tacotron2-SS Tacotron2-KD
"backslash x eight six backslash Ship backslash zero backslash A d d r e s s B o o k dot C o n t a c t s A d d r e s"
"config file must contain A, B, C, D, E, F, and G."

3 - Prosody Evaluation

Tacotron2-SS Tacotron2-KD
"A person who truly loves you will never let you go | no matter how hard | the situation is.",
“Give so much time to improving yourself | that you won't have time to criticize others.”